In music and economics there’s a creative tension between the numbers 2 and 3. Using discrete mathematics, we can reduce the act of doubling to a single-digit pattern of 1-2-4-8-7-5. This is the matter-based process of Rodin’s Mobius Circuit. Using a similar process, we can simplify the series of tripled numbers into a repeating 9 that ascends beyond the matter-based. In music, this discrepancy is played out between the octave and the fifth. In economics, this discrepancy is played out between debt-monetization and capital.
This image depicts a combination of Crantor’s Lambda, an illustration supporting Plato’s musical creation of the world soul and Marko Rodin’s Mobius circuit, normally presented as a circular enneagram.
The Next Octave: A Sustainable Economy Encoded in Music explains this concept more in-depth. The book is due out in the summer of 2021 along with a companion documentary. To keep updated on its release, please watch this space or join our group on Facebook: Esoteric Economics.